Universal Enterprise
Normal Birth Delivery/ Upside down Backwards, Baby Stroller & Sling, Backstroke, Row Boat,
Back Flip, Escalator, Elevator, Slide, Treadmill, Stationary Bicycle, Trust Fall, Giant Swing.
You are reading this blog now, at which point it is for the one to take notice as the
Mother of all ship cloak is wearing off to make the huge container visible after eons.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey called it the Black Star Liner
I call it the Backwards Rider
We are ready to take off from the launch pad and you are just in time to now only
realize you must only run, jump, and grab on to a seat and take the trip backwards
holding on as tight as possible as you feel yourself in motion as the vessel
you are increases in speed for
every altitude
Wake up a sleeping giant... You!
(One reminder)
Take the ride backwards.