Sunday, February 10, 2013

the Backwards Rider Show 2.10.13 2:36PM-11:30PM

Impact event

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Artist's impression of a major impact event. The collision between a planet and an asteroid a few kilometers in diameter may release as much energy as several million nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously.
An impact event is the collision of an asteroid, comet, or other celestial object with another celestial object such as Earth. Throughout recorded history, hundreds of minor impact events (and exploding bolides) have been reported, with some occurrences causing deaths, injuries, property damage or other significant localised consequences.[1] There have also been major impact events throughout the Earth's history which severely disrupted the environment and caused mass extinctions. Impact craters are the result of impact events on solid objects and as the dominant landforms on many of the System's solid objects and provide the most solid evidence of prehistoric events.
Impact events have been a plot and background element in science fiction since knowledge of real impacts became established in the scientific mainstream.

Backwards Rider Show Live!

Carnegie: 2PM Theatre - dancing, Twinkle D Enlightenment Fairy
Safari Cafe: 12PM Adam - Organic Coffee
Cobalt Hotel: 11AM
Meta K, Judy L. Wilimina, Twinkle D Enlightenment
Rider " I looked at a piece of it that came from the same area Zhao held up and put it in my hand. The first thing I did was hold it over the power spot of my body" 

Galactic Federation of Light FEBRUARY 3 2013 Centaurian Anitheiess Jackson

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Published on Feb 3, 2013
You are here to continue to unfold more of the layers of unity on this planet, as you are realizing the level of divine connection that is restored in your own being, as you then enter deeper into the space of pure consciousness here in this moment. As you are telling by now, none of these words are centered in logic, in feeling that there is something that you need to physically do to bring in the new Earth, before you center who you are in your heart space, in your intuitive knowing. The levels of comfort that you are entered into, as you realize there is an open communication going on now between you, and many galactic crew members, of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light, is beautiful as you can sense a continual stream of peacefulness entering into your own being now. Do you feel that these words are created in any other reason to be of service to your dimension now? The amount of talents it takes to be creative daily takes a master level of consciousness, and similar to how sunsets are created daily, you are seeing that there is no auto button that is being pressed to create these words, any more than the sun rises and sets with a button. Feeling that there is a locked way into how you create limits your creativity, and for those star seeds, and light workers that are awakened to the light here to center yourself in your inner knowing, you are here to realize that this is a large part in why you are here and now on this world.

There is no wrong or right process in how you are creative, there is only what you create and how you react to every situation and experience where you are aligned with a sense of creativity, always. Similar to being consistent as the sun rises and sets daily, we of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians ask that you realize that with steady dedication to service the light, then you are allowing for a pure flow of consciousness to be increased in your own energy field. As you notice, there is a lot of patience that comes in as you realize the truth of you being aligned with source, in practicing your inner stillness moments, and noticing that you are here to expand forever, to increase your consciousness forever, by your conscious decision. There are a large amount of souls on this planet that are choosing to stay with the same lessons of duality, to stay with the same lessons of fear, of karma, to stay violent, to support weapons, to support war. Are you seeing the importance of not supporting war, chaos, and destruction, to finally release it from this world now? As the days pass by, your own actions in being more inspired to continue to spread your many talents, abilities, and actions to be creative then allows for you to see deeply into the eyes of another soul, and see who you are as the light to be one energy source. Being the light is not about how you look, whether you are tall or short, one skin color or the next, whether you are able to count to 10 quickly, or slowly, it is however about trusting your own inner source, which expands into an eternal nature of life.

This planet has been conditioned to feel that there are divisions that keep all souls on this world from uniting as one, it teaches that division and separation is the only way to live, and this is clearly insane to feel that this is the case, and the very core reason for many souls on this world that are holding onto suffering, spreading much violence as a result. The patterns of violence in war from the beginnings of this Earth in a peaceful state, into the now of seeing the many generations of harm that have been leading this world into more darkness ends with our collective mission of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light being incarnated on this planet, and in our star ships. Just as humans have family that are in different states, we as a collective of beings of light have our many crew members spread throughout this world, and vast universe, for an evolutionary upgrade of consciousness to then be spread into this world in abundance. The focus on having a clear rise in awareness of source, of the light to then penetrate into the core of this whole planet is opening up an awakened presence inside of the souls on this sacred Earth, that are the newly awakened ascended masters. Your plan is the divine plan, as you merge more with your true self, and this is how you are attracted to these words, as your own frequency inside is allowing for an openness to these words of guidance to you now.

(Con't) by listening now...

Saturday, February 10, 2013

Safari Coffee
1007 Main St.
(604) 638-9171
every pound of coffee sold will Donate $1.00
Backwards Rider

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