Friday, July 12, 2013

Updating - Global Mass Sting of the Cabal, Freemason and Illuminati

The Gregorian Calendar is 7 years behind the Ethiopian calendar created short form B.C for those who need to remember our world history...
Until the work of Anti-Christ Societies is done all children and peoples will suffer...
NASA, Auto Mechanics, auto manufacturers like , FORD, GM, Airliners and other potentially organized  groups are getting their back engineered technology from Orion influences.

The Galactic Federation of Light informs us that if they try to get away will be rounded them up or corner off and read the the sand scripts or other ancient writings for your own knowledge. 
Anything that creator installed for us that is good these groups undermine it and tell you there is no God and there is no this and no that.
When people all around the world pitch into do the bidding of dark ones running the old system that still does not work for the majority of persons living on the planet.

There is no one to blame especially if you are part of it in a way where the life you live is under their control (supposedly). So for those that go work for your money you are not going to do the rest of us a favor by saying what we all have to do for our self too but in a honest way. (mowing down trees/ oxygen maker).

Matthew 24:15 "So when you see standing in the holy place ... - Bible
“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand),. New American .

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