Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the Backwards Rider show - Surrey Central, Metrotown

Backwards Rider  




Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa October 19 2012

KomurosanKomurosan· 2,162 videos
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Published on 19 Oct 2012
Here we are on the verge of a great episode in your journey through duality, that will end with those who are ready to ascend leaving your present dimension. It does not mean that everything will change at once, but it will result in you being elevated to a higher dimension where you are with other souls of a similar vibration. It will ensure a life in which you experience a close harmony and joyful relationship with all souls. The harshness and confrontation you experience now will disappear for good, as those beings who cause such problems are not ready to ascend. Ascension is for those of you who have awakened to their true selves, and aspire to lift themselves up. When you can accept all others as One with you, and live your life in the manner of giving out Unconditional Love you are a perfect example of one who is ready.

If you do not consider yourself to be ready but nevertheless wish to ascend, focus on raising yourself up by doing your best to succeed. You will almost certainly do so as at this time, there are massive inputs of energy to your world and you will attract them to yourself. You will know it is happening as few souls can receive the energy without feeling the effects. It can be felt as a slight dizziness and a general feeling of lightness within your body. There are other conditions that may lead you to believe that you are about to fall ill, but will soon pass without any effect. You will certainly find yourself able to remain controlled when faced with disruptive forces, and it is the taming of the emotions that will enable you to reach such a level. At the same time you will be a model example to others who will benefit from your presence.

The Light as ever continues to grow exponentially, and is carrying you forward faster than ever. It will meet its optimum level on the 21st. December 2012 and will trigger the Ascension of Mother Earth and all those souls that are ready to go with her. By then you will have been re-assured about the safety and future of those who take a different path, and all happens as it should according to Universal Law. Put simply it states that no soul can move upwards until they have reached a similar vibration. All are cared for and by the time Ascension comes round, each one will be aware of what is to take place. As a cycle ends there are natural changes, that open up the next phase of your journey that endeavors to take you higher. The opportunities are always there for every soul.

7:45am Conrad

11:00am Photo taken by Jamie on the bus with BRS brochure, Edna Agla

Live Board

Nicola Valley
Institute of Technology
11:28 Library - Photo taken by Emily Taylor Library/ Student Success Centre Co-ordinator, Rider, Edna Agla 

Teno Antonio Shared these links



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